Crossman's Elephino

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Location: United States


Beat CNN and Drudge

I checked and Drudge after announcing the confirmation and it is official I beat those two and that is good enough for me.

The New York Times may have been faster.

If I was trying to win from the get go I would have beaten them all.

Just showing that I have what it takes...who cares about content when you can be seconds faster? Well, that is part of the mantra now days. It is all about pretty people, money and speed.


Roberts Confirmed

This is not a commentary, I just wanted to be among the first to announce the confirmation. Maybe I beat CNN.

I pray this guy won't be a dud.



Japander is an interesting site. Pretty amusing--check out all the Hollywood people that you love or just love to hate.




Dictionaraoke is an interesting site that I am sure some of you will find amusing.

Fun with online dictionaries anyone?


Project Gutenberg

I would like to encourage my readers (Mike, Larry and Jason) to look at the Project Gutenberg site. Books--in full--that predate copyright laws can be downloaded from it. I have read some William Blake, among others. Project Gutenberg is a free service with over 16,000 books to choose from.



I would like to go to the ISI North Carolina Leadership Conference. The theme will be "Liberty and Order: F.A. Hayek and the Road to Serfdom".

The truth is The Road to Serfdom is one of the next books that I am going to read. I look forward to delving into the thoughts of Hayek.


Joke for Larry

I looked up some Economist jokes after reading predictions about Greenspans replacement. One joke from Jokes About Economists and Economics follows.

A traveller wandering on an island inhabited entirely by cannibals comes upon a butcher shop. This shop specialised in human brains differentiated according to source. The sign in the shop read:

Artists' Brains $9/lb
Philosophers' Brains $12/lb
Scientists' Brains $15/lb
Economists' Brains $19/lb

Upon reading the sign, the traveller noted, "My those economists' brains must be popular!" To which the butcher replied, "Are you kidding! Do you have any idea how many economists you have to kill to get a pound of brains?!"


Not Going

My company will not be sending me (to any of the disaster sites). I will make a final effort and contact my site manager's boss. Perhaps he won't think that we are too understaffed to send more people.

All I can do is try.
