Crossman's Elephino

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Location: United States


Keep Manny

My friend is number 16,210, can you find me?

To: The Boston Red Sox Organization

I, as a member of Red Sox Nation, firmly believe that it is in the best interest of the Boston Red Sox to retain the contractual services of one left-fielder Manuel Aristides Ramirez (aka Manny.)


The Crossman


First Literary Crush

My First Literary Crush is a Slate piece birthed from a good idea. I found it while looking at The Christopher Hitchens Web.

The article lists people's responses to the question of who their first literary 'crushes'--most influential author and work--were while in college.

It is interesting to see who was influenced by whom. Well, sometimes it isn't so interesting. I would like to have seen more people on the list that I consider important but I am glad for what there was.

I found it interesting that The Moviegoer was a 'crush' and am even more excited about getting to You Can't Go Home Again--as it was already recommended to me by a friend who is an avid reader and critic.

I did not find any Steinbeck on there. I am in the middle of East of Eden now and can't help but wonder who would have chosen that?

On the off chance that someone reads this...who would you choose or like to see listed? Annoyed by any of the choices?


Keep Your Mouth Shut

When someone makes a mistake that dumbfounds you and they already feel bad about it, keep your mouth shut. Yes, I am talking to myself more than anyone else.

If someone already regrets doing something it isn't necesarry to ask, "why didn't you...?"

Will any of us learn?


Need I say more...this is something like the dead or live ball era--can't decide which--of video games. I think that right now we must be in the second or third expansion. I wish it had sound, on certain games!

Best one that I have found is Mike Tyson's Punch Out.


A Great Drink

The Mojito

*2 to 4 lime wedges, depending on the size of the lime
*6 fresh mint leaves, plus a sprig of mint for garnish
*1 tablespoon granulated sugar
*2 ounces white rum
*Club soda

1. In a tall, slim glass, muddle together the lime wedges, mint leaves, and sugar.

2. Fill the glass with crushed ice, and add the rum and club soda. Stir briefly.

3. Add the mint sprig for garnish.

-Elephino is one of the best/worste ideas for a site--sometimes I can't tell the difference--that I have come across in a while. A student can exact his revenge on a bad professor and rate how sexy that Intro to Political Science professor is.

I think that this site is great and terrible. I mean, it has a hotty meter. What does that have to do with anything? Funny, yes...but I didn't want to know that students thought that of certain profs, gross.

Too bad this site doesn't accomplish the job set out for.

For a great review go to Slate's The Hottest Professor on Campus.


Bill Buckner

This is for any who know what I am talking about. Yes, the play was Buckner's fault but the series wasn't.

Sorry, I had to get that off my chest.



This may be random but I think that it would be fun to see a baseball game in Japan.




Haven't beaten anyone since the thing with Roberts.